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You actually did the parts of this that I wanted to add but didn't get around to. The tractor beam pull up and the shields. 

Glad I was able to help. I thought it was going to be harder to implement, so it was one of the last things I did but it turns out it was one line of code to do with lerping positions. It could probably be implemented a little better, but it looks believable enough as is don't you think?

 I really liked the way you made the tiny planet and the UFO.

Was that all done in a modelling program? The node setup and hexagons I mean.

That was actually all @Nutty-Studios

You're right my bad. So many projects I forgot that multiple people could be working on the same one.

I had a look at what you managed to get done. I liked your tractor beam effect, there was a lot more movement and life to the effect than mine.

Your UI was also a nice touch. I had thoughts of doing some sort of UI, but I thought that it may have taken up too much of the screen but when I saw what you had, it didn't look like it would have taken up as much of the screen space as I thought it would. It also had a nice sci-fi feel to it, which was good. 

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We're going to give it a try, but we promise nothing hehe

Good luck. I find the process of implementing mechanics is a lot more fun when you're not the only one working on the project. There is a lot less stress because you don't have to implement every basic mechanic.

cool i might use

Have fun with it. I definitely want to see what becomes of it. 

It helped that it already had a very fun base. Thanks zBeeHamZ!